
Test activation

How to activate an online test?

Once you've set up your online test, it's time to decide when it will start. You have two options to choose from:

  • Manual activation - click the green Activate test button when you're ready, and your test will start right away.

  • Automatic activation - click the yellow Schedule test button and select the dates and times you want your test to start and end. Your test will start and terminate on the dates and hours you selected.

Keep in mind that the test activity time setting determines the period during which your respondents can start taking the test. After that period, they won't be able to access it anymore.

However, if they started the test before the Activity period ended, and they still have time left to complete it, they can continue taking it.

They can continue taking a test after the activity period has elapsed if:

  • They started before the Activity period ended, and

  • The Time to complete the test hasn't ended yet.

For example:

If your test's Activity period is set from March 20th at 8 am to March 21st at 4 pm, and the test duration is 60 minutes, then they can start the test as late as March 21st at 3:59 pm and continue answering questions until 4:59 pm.

Manual activation of an online test

To activate an online test manually, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Time settings in the Test configuration menu. There, you'll find "Test activation options".

  2. Select the Manual test activation.

  3. In the Test will remain active for field, use sliders to decide how much time your respondents should have to start taking the test. 

    Remember, when this time is up, test access will close, and no one will be able to
    access it.

  4. Check your time setting and confirm them by clicking the green Save button at the bottom of the screen.

    In this case, you must activate the test manually. You can do that right after saving all test settings or at another time. Whenever you click the green Activate test button in the bottom part of the Test configuration menu, Testportal will open access for all selected respondents.


Manual online test activation

After you check all settings, use the Activate test button in the bottom part of the Test configuration menu.

Activate the test

Activating the test

Automatic activation of an online test (in a set time period)

If you want your test to start automatically on a selected day and hour and last for the time chosen in the settings, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Time settings in the Test configuration menu. There, you will find the Test activation options section.

  2. Select Activation in a set time period. Two date picker fields will appear.

  3. In the 'Test activation date' enter the time from which your respondents should be able to start taking the test.

    In the "Access closing date", select the final time until which your respondents must start taking the test.

    Automatically activated tests will remain accessible to the respondents until the end of the time limit setting.

  4. Check your time settings and confirm with the green Save button at the bottom of the page.


Test activation set for a selected time period

After you verify all settings, use the Schedule test button in the bottom part of the Test configuration menu.

When you click the yellow Schedule test button, it will start awaiting the activation time on a selected day and hour.


Scheduling the test

If you've chosen to use Individual access codes, Testportal will email the codes to your respondents upon test activation, whether it's manual or automatic.

You can also choose to send your respondents their individual access codes ahead of time, as described here.

How to start a test again?

On the Testportal platform, reactivating a test is a convenient way to use the same quiz or exam again. You can restart the test with the same configuration or adjust it to fit new requirements. This option is useful when you want to use a previously created test without creating it from scratch or when conducting the test for a new group of respondents.

Options to run a test again

There are two options for reactivating a test: you can choose Start again or Duplicate. Each of these options allows for easy test management and customization according to your current needs.

  • Start again

    To reactivate a test using the Start again option, check that the test status is "Ended". If so, you can activate it again by selecting the green Start again button.

    You may then review and edit the test settings before activation. By default, the configuration remains the same as it was for the first launch, but it’s always a good idea to double-check the settings before activating.

    If everything is ready and the configuration meets your needs, activate the test by selecting Activate test.

  • Duplicate

    The Duplicate option is available for any test on the "My tests" dashboard, regardless of its status ("Setup in progress", "Ended" or "Active"). It allows for adding and editing questions.
    Selecting this option will create an exact copy of the test with the same settings as the original. You can freely modify and adjust the duplicate to meet new needs without impacting the configuration of the original test.

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