Grading and feedback
Table of contents
Grading and test summary
Grading and test summary are essential in verifying skills and knowledge and important for both the test owners and the respondents. Precise and well-defined assessment criteria increase the results validity and allow for an accurate skill evaluation. It gives test takers confidence in their competencies after completing the test and receiving grades.
How to set a message for respondents after the test is completed?
After completing their tests, all respondents (regardless of their results) can see a message prepared by you. Enter it in a text editor field, like the one you use when adding test questions. You can use text and attachments.
How do I add a file to a question or answer on Testportal? Find you by clicking the link and reading our article.
Respondents will see a message prepared by you
How to redirect respondents to an external page after the test?
You can redirect your test takers to another website after they complete their online assessment. To do this, follow these steps:
On the Grading and summary page, find the Test end message and redirection section.
Use the toggle to switch on the Set redirection to an external website at the end of the test option.
Enter the full address of the page you want to redirect respondents to in the Website field. Make sure you include http:// or https://.
Save the settings by clicking the Save button at the bottom of the page.
You can redirect your test takers to another website after they complete the test
Online test assessment criteria
If you want to set grading criteria for your online test, you can do that in the Grading and summary tab in the Test configuration menu. You can define the grading method during the test creation or after it has ended, when you know all the results.
Go to the Test configuration menu.
Select the Grading & summary tab.
Go to the Grading criteria section.
Enable the Pass mark option if you want to specify the number of points or percentage of points required to pass your test.
Enable Define grade ranges based on points or percents option.
Use the Add range option.
Select the grade type and unit.
Add point or percentage values to the ranges in the from and to fields.
Enter the grade name and/or descriptive grade content.
Add another point range using the Add range button and repeat steps 7-9 until you complete all the ranges for your test.
Click the Save button at the bottom of the page to save the grading criteria.
In each test, you can set a percentage or point passing threshold, the minimum number of points or percentage of points required to pass. Toggle the Pass mark to enable or disable this feature.
This is how to set grading criteria for your online test
If you want your respondents to receive grades automatically after completing their tests, set point ranges. They can be measured in percentages or points. Testportal features descriptive and numerical grades. You can also set both grade types for your online test.
Learn how to set point ranges
When setting grade ranges, enter the "from" and "to" values, which must be different.
How to choose the information visible to the respondents after the test is completed?
As the test owner, you decide on the information that respondents see after the test is completed. You can choose from the following options:
percentage score;
points score;
descriptive grade;
correct answers to questions;
pass or fail message.
Decide what information respondents see after the test is completed
What is the two-phase feedback?
Testportal lets you provide respondents with feedback in two phases. After they complete the test sheet, you can show them a pass or fail message, which you can enable during the test configuration. Later, after any grading criteria adjustments or open-ended questions checking, they can see their score in points and correct answers.
When is it beneficial to use the two-phase feedback?
Use the two-phase feedback when:
The test contains descriptive questions that you must grade yourself. In this situation, the score is not available immediately after the test is completed because it still has ungraded open-ended questions. Only after checking them can the test takers see their test score on their saved test sheets.
Your test contains different question types, such as automatically graded close-ended and open-ended questions, which should be manually graded after the test is completed.
Your test includes short answer questions to which you will add answers after the test. See also how to mark the provided short answer as correct.
Several groups take your test, and you want to show the correct answers and results to the respondents only after everyone has completed the test.
Text messages for respondents after the test
You can set two types of messages for the respondents depending on their results:
for those who passed the test;
for those who failed the test.
Enter the content in the Information for respondents section in the Grading & summary tab. As with the end-of-test message, you can add attachments and use the text editor.
Set two messages for the respondents depending on their results
Respondents' result notifications
On the Grading & summary screen, in the My feedback section, you can choose whether and what information you want to receive in your email inbox:
If you enable the Send every respondent's results in separate email (1 respondent = 1 message) option, we will send you an email message whenever a respondent completes the test;
If you enable the Send collective results after the test has ended (1 message) option, you will receive one email message with all the respondents' results.
Decide what information you want to receive in your email inbox
Respondents can receive automatic email notification of their test results, when you switch on Inform respondent about result via email. It will contain the same information as the test's end page. If you enable the test result visibility and correct answers, they will also be included in the email.
How to mark short answer as correct?
When configuring short answer questions, you need to indicate which answers the respondents will receive points for. If the test owner forgets about one of the possible answers, they can mark it as correct when reviewing a solved test sheet. This is how:
To mark the selected short answer as correct in the test, go to the Test progress & results, then select Test sheet review or Answers review.
Pick the question with a short answer provided and select Mark as correct.
Confirm action window will appear. Click Mark as correct.
A green check mark will appear next to the newly accepted answer.
Selected answer will then be considered correct in the case of all other respondents too.
Mark answer as correct in test sheet review
Mark answer as correct in Answer review
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