Understand the Exam Format: The exam consists of multiple-choice questions, each with one correct or best answer.
Select the Correct Answer: Click on the circle next to your chosen answer. Please take your time to read each question and its options carefully before selecting your answer.
Submit Your Answers: Once you have answered all questions, click on the 'Submit' button to complete the exam. You will be unable to change your answers once they have been submitted.
Achieve the Pass Mark: To pass the exam, you need to achieve a score of at least 70%.
Retake the Exam if Necessary: If you do not achieve the pass mark on your first attempt, don't worry. You are allowed to retake the exam up to 10 times.
Check Your Result: Your score will be calculated automatically upon submission, and you will receive an email notification with your results.
Certificate of Completion: Upon passing the exam, you will receive a certificate acknowledging your achievement.